Trade94 uses trading APIs to place orders with your broking account. Integrate your Angelone broking account with Trade94 following the below steps.

  1. Login to Trade94 - Go to Brokers tab. Click on “Add Broker”. You will see the following form.

    Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 8.10.07 PM.png

  2. Select AngelOne and enter an Account name to your likes. Type abc in the API Key and API Secret. Click on Save to add broker integration.

  3. You should see your new integration added under Broker Integrations. You can now see the Redirect URL and Postback URL. (We will use this Redirect URL and Postback URL in later steps)

    Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 2.46.42 PM.png

  4. Login to your AngelOne developer account at Signup if you don’t have a developer account yet.

    Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 8.03.10 PM.png

  5. Create a new app to allow connection between AngelOne and Trade94. Click on "Create new app".

    Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 8.06.49 PM.png

  6. Fill up your account and API details in the new app form, then Click “Create”.

    Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 8.05.52 PM.png

  7. App name - Name your app to your likes.

  8. Angel Client ID - This is your client ID provided with your main AngelOne broking account

  9. Redirect URL - paste URL copied in (step-3)

  10. Postback URL - paste URL copied in (step-3)

  11. You should see your new app in under “My My Smart APIs & Apps” now. You will be able to see your API KEY and API SECRET KEY, copy these both.

  12. Go back to Trade94, under Brokers tab you will be able to see your AngelOne broker account which you previously created in (step-3).

  13. Click on edit button and copy the API Key and API Secret from your AngelOne developer app and paste here.

  14. To validate our broker integration, click on “Refresh” under your broker integration. You’d be redirected to login to your AngelOne account. Put in your credentials and login. You should see a “SUCCESS” page. This validates our integration successfully. Note that your access token would be displayed with the last refreshed time as seen below. Also, you should see the “ACTIVE” state for your account.

  15. Please make sure to refresh your access token once everyday before trading (ideally before market open). This is necessary for Trade94 to have the access to place orders to your trading account.